HimPossible Life Changes Locally Owned logo

It’s a “LIVE” it, not a “die”it!

At HimPossible Life Changes we know weight is connected to so many health issues—body, mind, spirit.

We start with weight and bring HOPE for lasting change.

Our office uses the doctor-designed, proven Ideal Protein Protocol—the structure you need for lifestyle transformation.

You owe it to yourself to use food as medicine!

Owners in front of Columbus Center

What will your story be?

What will your story be?

client lost 35 pounds
changing impossible to HIMpossible

What Our Clients are saying…

“Just a wonderful experience…

…during my weight loss journey. Kathy and Noelle are the most amazing people to work with. They are very knowledgeable and passionate about your success at weight loss!” —B.R., May 2024

“The program works! Lost my…

…goal of 20 pounds in Phase 1 & maintaining within a 3 pound window in Phases 2 & 3. I learned so much about the way our body works & insulin resistance. Kathy & Noelle are wonderful people & passionate about the Ideal Protein Program. They truly care about your health & personal weight loss journey. No judgements, just support & encouragement. That’s what I like.”—M.M., April 2024

“This is an amazing program…

…with incredible coaches! I love being in control of my life again! My confidence level continues to soar and I have a (BIG) smile on my face! It’s a “Grace” based approach. You’ll have amazing results with Godly support!!” —D.M., Jan. 2024

Dr. Tran, Co-Founder of Ideal Protein

  • Reset BODY to BURN fat and LOSE weight!

    By restricting carbohydrate intake, the Weight Loss Phase is designed to optimize fat loss through ketosis (a safe and natural state in which the body mobilizes stored fat as its alternative energy source). You’ll remain in Phase 1 until you have reached your weight loss goal.

  • Reset MIND to MAINTAIN a healthy weight and build healthy HABITS.

    Following weight loss, you’ll be coached to slowly reintroduce carbs and healthy fats, and you’ll receive your unique Macro Code— based on the number of macronutrients you need to help you maintain your new healthy weight and effectively manage hunger.

  • Reset POSSIBLE and live your fullest, healthiest, best LIFE yet!!

    Designed to keep you connected for the first 12 months following Stabilization. If you are able to maintain your weight loss for 1 year, you are more likely to keep it off for 10 years. You will continue to receive education and support from your coach and clinic as part of the Maintenance Phase. Your coach will provide support and guide healthy food choices for life introducing new strategies each visit on nutrition, healthy eating patterns, behavior change, and environment. Your coach continues to help you incorporate your Macro Code to maintain health long-term. You can stay connected to your coach through our app and Wi-Fi scale, incorporating “Tune-ups” as needed.

The Ideal Protein Protocol

  • It’s NEVER just a dollar issue!!

    We’ve had clients say they can’t breathe when tying their shoes or aren’t able to play with their grandkids on the floor. Walking up stairs hurts their knees and standing, even to cook, hurts their lower back.

    The mental strain can be a battle too—with all the negative chatter developed over the years.

    Think about what you spend daily/weekly on groceries AND the quick drive-thru coffee, etc.

  • This might really be what you were looking for with cost. Feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions.

    For clients in Phase 1, the cost is approximately $20 a day—includes on-one-on coaching, micro-nutrition supplements, and 3 Ideal Protein foods a day.

    Phase 2 is $14 a day & includes one-on-one coaching, 2 Ideal Protein foods a day, and supplements as needed.

    In Phase 3, we have three different tiers of pricing to choose from based on your needs for Maintenance—from less than $2 a day to less than $6 a day.

    *Initial week (month for virtual) has additional cost. Some costs also vary for virtual clients.

  • Improvements in: blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars.

    Increased: mobility, energy levels, general mood, self-confidence.

    Other benefits: reduced inflammation, less joint pain, better sleep, no bloating, smaller measurements (aka—smaller clothes sizes).

    is so much more than just about the number on the sale.

Can I afford it?

Serving clients LOCALLY and VIRTUALLY

Interested in learning more?

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